The savvy bay of plenty self storer is looking for value, ease and low-cost options when selecting a storage unit, no different to anyone else in another region.
It has become common for everyone who thinks about self storage to wonder what use and value can I get? It does not take long to realise its quite a cheap storage option that you wished you looked into earlier.
It seems like we are in a world where clutter and everyday items seems to accumulate faster than we can manage.
Kennards Self Storage stands out as a premier choice for individuals seeking secure and convenient storage solutions that cater to their evolving needs.
For wine enthusiasts seeking to protect their collections and maintain the quality of their favourite wines, Kennards Self Storage offers a dependable and refined solution with our wine cellars.
Kennards Self Storage boxes will get the job done. Our expertise means you will have the knowledge to buy the correct box. Packing some glass, we will show you the crockery box. Packing some files we will show you the archive box.
Kennards Storage creates the space for change. Don’t keep your wine in the wrong place. Wine Storage with Kennards is the answer.
Featured in the latest Modern Storage Media magazine, Sam Kennard, CEO of Kennards Self Storage, talks about the birth, growth and success of the business.
Kennards Self Storage has recently built hundreds of new wine cellars in two Auckland locations.